Proyecto de Voluntariado en Equipo - Italia - Búsqueda de voluntarios

Tipo: Otros Actividad: Otros Del: 03/28/2023 Al:09/30/2023

What is ESC?

Are you between 18 and 30 and looking for an opportunity to help the wider community, in Europe and beyond?

You could do this with funding and support from the European Solidarity Corps, which helps young people take part in projects that benefit communities, either abroad or in their own country. 

These projects offer an inspiring and empowering experience, as well as the chance to bring change while developing your skills and competences. 


Download Trail Antels, European Solidarity Corps

Diputación Provincial de Almería - Proyectos Europeos (Cif: P-0400000-F)
C/ Navarro Rodrigo, 17 - 04001 Almería (Almería)
Telf.: 950.211.811 Fax: 950.264.616