Encuentro Arábigo Andaluz, Saturday 1st June

Tipo: Arte y Cultura Actividad: CONGRESS AND EVENTS 06/01/2013 12:00:00 PM



10:00h - 14:30h Ist Provincial meeting of Moors and Christians:  "The history of the fiesta" , Centro de usos múltiples. Inscriptins : www.iealmerienses.es

                  10:00h Reception of delegates.

                  10:30h Formal welcome  and talk by the meeting coordinator. 

                  10:45h Lecture by the historian D. Bernard Vincent "The Moors of suth - east Spain"

                 11:45h Break

                 12:15h Lecture by the historian D. Juan Grima Cervantes "The origins and development of the past Moors & Christians fiestas in our province".

                13:00h Break

                13:15h Lecture by the historian and organiser of Moors & Christians in Albanchez by  D. Francisco Martínez Botella.

                 14:30h Break.

                  16:30h Talk about Moors & Christians organisation and special characteristics of our town: D. Jose Antonio González and Dª Beatriz Gómez.

                 18:30h Clausure of the meeting with a visit to the exhibition.

20:30h Theatrical tour, meeting point: Plaza Nueva, free.

22:30h  "Mediterranean show" by Anabel Veloso, Plaza Nueva, free admission.


Ayuntamiento de Mojácar (Cif: P-0406400-B)
Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 1 - 04638 Mojácar (Almería)
Telef. 902 44 22 50