Workshop for youngsters

Tipo: Arte y Cultura Actividad: FESTIVALS Del: 07/25/2016 Al:07/29/2016

Workshop for youngsters

Monday to Friday 10.00h - 14.00 h

For youngster aged from 13 to  30


More information 950 615084

Organized by: Diputación de Almeria

Workshop for youngsters

Monday to Friday 10.00h - 14.00 h

For youngster aged from 13 to  30


More information 950 615084

Organized by: Diputación de Almeria

Ayuntamiento de Mojácar (Cif: P-0406400-B)
Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 1 - 04638 Mojácar (Almería)
Telef. 902 44 22 50