Andalucía´s day

Tipo: Arte y Cultura Actividad: FESTIVALS 02/28/2015

Andalucía´s Day Programme. 28th February.


In the village:

12 h. Raising of the Flag. Plaza del Ayuntamiento.

12.30 Sports Exhibition (zumba, aerobics). Plaza Nueva.

13.30 Releasing the Balloons. Plaza Nueva.

14 h. Giant paella (free). Plaza del Parterre.


At the Centro de Usos Múltiples:

18 h. Perfomances by local Groups and Schools including:

Nicky Mainstone. Prodanza School.

Gustavo Criado. Spanish Dance School.

Fátima Perestrello. Oriental Dance School

Rociero Choir Embrujo Mojaquero.

23h. Free Concert with the Group Los Jereles.



Ayuntamiento de Mojácar (Cif: P-0406400-B)
Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 1 - 04638 Mojácar (Almería)
Telef. 902 44 22 50