Triples competition

Tipo: Deportes Actividad: SPORT 03/07/2015

7th March 2015


1st  Anniversary – Inauguration – Open invitation Triples Competition


Mojacar Bowls Club -  Marina De la Torre, Behind Marina Mar Hotel  


Format 2 groups of teams play 2 matches of 8 ends starting at 0930.


Entries and further details from   Derek Weeks Comp. Sec. 670471812, or visit the club any Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday from 0930.  Entries Close 28 February 2015

Ayuntamiento de Mojácar (Cif: P-0406400-B)
Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 1 - 04638 Mojácar (Almería)
Telef. 902 44 22 50