Kindergarten Anträge

Tipo: Otros Actividad: ANDERE VERANSTALTUNGEN Del: 04/01/2016 Al:04/30/2016


Nursery registration now open

Requests for new admissions to the E.I Garabato (Municipal Nursery) can be made from 1st to the 30th of April.

You can collect an application form either at the Nursery or from the of Children’s Department (contact Rachel).  Tel. 677 95 90 90

Documents required:

Photocopy of parents ID. Photocopy of marriage certificate or certificate of cohabitation, contribution record and employer´s certificate.

Ayuntamiento de Mojácar (Cif: P-0406400-B)
Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 1 - 04638 Mojácar (Almería)
Telef. 902 44 22 50