The Mojaquera BTT

Tipo: Deportes Actividad: SPORT 04/26/2015



The 26th of April 2015, new edition of:

“La Mojaquera”

 We will leave at 9:33h from Mojácar football field.

The fee will be: 15€ for partners and 25€ for everybody else.

Will close the 23/04/2015 at 12:00h or when completed the maximum of 400 riders. The test distance: 58 Km.

Awards and services:

  1. Showers at the football field.
  2. Commemorative shirt “La Mojaquera” 2015. Bracelet finisher. Photocool. Showers at the football field. Free service of physiotherapy at the end of the ride.
  3. Trophies for all categories (male and female) 10 General 100€, 20 General 50€ y 30 General 25€. Running/Bike glasses from Ibercaja. “Paletilla of Ham”, “Tacos of Ham” and Blanket of bacon.
  4. Like every year, lunch at the hotel, free buffet.
  5. Raffle.


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Ayuntamiento de Mojácar (Cif: P-0406400-B)
Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 1 - 04638 Mojácar (Almería)
Telef. 902 44 22 50