The European Union, through various community institutions, is making a significant effort to promote the participation of local administrations in European integration. The constant evolution of competences has caused the developed policies to increasingly affect citizens, and therefore the local community.
Diputación de Almería, in this context, is an appropriate liaison for the specialised dissemination of information generated in the EU which may be of interest to the municipalities of the province and its citizens. Furthermore, bringing local communities closer to the dynamics generated by the European Institutions and programmes drives our economic and social development. Diputación de Almería, in this context, is an appropriate liaison for the specialised dissemination of information generated in the EU which may be of interest to the municipalities of the province and its citizens. Furthermore, bringing local communities closer to the dynamics generated by the European Institutions and programmes drives our economic and social development.

The European Initiatives Unit of Presidency, Treasury, Tourism and Employment Area is closely linked with training activities, information, and projects of European nature that are of interest to the provincial territory. All of this is developed within the principle of subsidiarity framework established in the European methodological dynamics.
Diputación de Almería belongs to the Europe Direct Network and the Andalusian European Information Network which support the objectives of the European Initiatives Unit through work carried out in coordination with organisations responsible for promoting active European citizenship. In addition, they promote joint operations that encourage the involvement of Almerían citizens in European integration.
Europe Direct-Almería has a physical office at C/ Navarro Rodrigo, 17 (second floor) and a virtual office to which any citizen, institution or entity can direct their doubts or questions about the EU and consult documentation or informative materials on European issues.
Diputación Provincial de Almería
European Initiatives Unit
Ctra. de Ronda, 216, Pabellón "Europe Direct", 1ª floor
04009 Almería, Spain
950 21 18 10/11/12
00 34 950 21 18 48