Iniciativas Europeas

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Do you want to know more about the European Union and discuss its future?

About us

EUROPE DIRECT Almería is a member of the Europe Direct network in Spain, which is part of a group of centres in Europe. The centres make Europe accessible to people in their home country and allow them to participate in discussions about the future of the EU. The European Commission is in charge of managing this network. You can contact us to ask us anything about the EU’s policies, programmes and priorities, and you can also take part in events about the future of the EU.
We also go to schools, where we give presentations, organise debates about the EU, and bring official publications.
All of our services are free of charge for citizens who request them.
Please note that we cannot provide legal advice or interpretation of EU law.
For more information about the centres in the EU member states, including those in Spain, click here:

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