The European Union, via various Community Institutions, is making significant efforts to promote the participation of local authorities in the European construction. The constant increase of responsibilities has led to citizens being more and more affected by the policies developed and consequently impacting on local communities.
In such a context, Diputación de Almería becomes a suitable vehicle for the specialised dissemination of information from the EU which may be of interest to the province´s town councils and citizens.
We are confident that exposing local communities to the dynamic operated by the Institutions and European programmes promotes our social and economic development.
The European Initiatives Unit from the Department of Development organises european training activities, gathers information and promotes projects which are of interest to the province. All of this is developed within the principle of subsidiarity framework established in the european methodological dynamics.
The Europe Direct network and Andalusian Network of European Information (RIEA) to which Diputación de Almería belongs, support the objectives of the European Initiatives Unit by means of devleoping work in conjunction with organizations responsible for promoting an active european citizenship. They also promote joint actions encouraging the involvement of the local communities in the european construction.
If any citizen, institution or organization has any queries regarding the EU or would like more information or documentation regarding European issues, they can contact Europe Direct Almería or visit our office in Carretera de Ronda, 216 -04009 Almería or send an email to: