The agriculture sector in Almeria mainly corresponds to the intensive agricultural production which has a high productivity since they principally use greenhouses to grow the products. At the side of this activity, a new industry has been created and developed, integrated by a number of companies dedicated to the production and commercialization of the vegetables grown, as well as any other services that have an added value and complement such activity.

This sector started to develop in Almeria in the sixties and has evolved continuously until today, to become a reference worldwide. With the excellent climate conditions, Almeria is the area with most hours of sun in Europe, allowing to produce naturally all types of vegetables. The companies held high levels of productivity and competitiveness, as well asbeing a sustainable activity. The agro industrial sector is very important for the province and it represents more than 20% of the economy of the area.

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Part of the great success of this model, in relation to the commercialization is due to the farmer´s organizations that take care of the handling of the production and the destination distribution line. There has been a development in the commercialization structures together with the growth of the horticultural production, and this progress has contributed notably to increase the added value generated by the intensive culture within the provincial economy. At the beginning of this production type, the new companies that emerged looked towards the European markets and they were able to take on their level of requirements. It meant that this sector has always known first hand, the characteristics of the demand, the competitors, other production technologies and the need to invest in human capital development. This has generated very high standards in this sector and the acknowledgment of it.

Some of the main fruit and Vegetable companies in Almeria are:

Unica Group SCA | Grupo Agroponiente | Alhóndiga La Unión SA | Grupo Agroiris | Cooperativa Agrícola San Isidro CASI | EH Femago SA | AgrupaEjido SA | Vicasol SCA | Murgiverde SCA | Grupo Primaflor.

In relation to the business volume, it is worth stressing that the fruit and vegetable campaign for 2012-2013 in Almeria has reached a record in commercialized value, with more than 2.3 billion euros. This sector has a strong export vocation with a high percentage of the production going to foreign markets. The exports in 2013 exceeded 2 billion euros. (Source: Estacom)

It has to be taken into account the high level of development reached by this industry in the province, stressing the prototype as well as the high research and development component. There are companies within the designated auxiliary industry that bet on the innovation and they count with the support of the University of Almeria that adds great value with their continuous research to help the further development of this industry.

grafico exportaciones

The ecologic agriculture is a sustainable model, due to the high performance of the resources used and the reduction of the negative impacts (reductions of the water consumption and the carbon dioxide on one side and the energy efficiency on another) .

We can also stress that Almeria is leader in the ecologic agricultural sector since it is the province in Andalucia with more registered ecological farmers 2,112 ), using a certified area of 46,376.91 hectares of land (Source: COAG). It is also the first horticultural region worldwide regarding integrated pest management crops .

To find more information about the sector you can visit the website ofthe following organizations:

- COEXPHAL (Asociación de Organizaciones de Productores de Frutas y Hortalizas de Almería) WEB


- COAG-Almeria (Coordinadora de Agricultores y Ganaderos) WEB

- ASAJA (Asociación Agraria Jóvenes Agricultores) WEB