It is not a new sector, since in the 60s and 70s had its maximum development with the implementation of major film productions.

More than one thousand hours of recordings and featured titles turned Almería, at that time a very poorly developed economically and socially, in the "Hollywood Spanish" province.From the fifties to directors of national and foreign cinema, including prestigious American directors elected Almería as a featured location for their productions. All fixed in the light it has, the mild climate all year round and the variety of its landscapes, which combined with the low cost of Almería made ​​a real set globally recognized in the film industry.
Actors and movie stars like Peter O'Toole and Omar Sharif, Clint Eastwood, Sean Connery, Lee Van Cleef, Eli Wallach, Franco Nero, Gina Lollobrigida, Geraldine Chaplin, Robert Mitchum, Charles Bronson, Burt Lancaster, Claudia Cardinale, Omar Sharif , Raquel Welch, Tedll Savalas, Charlton Heston, Richard Chamberlain, Alain Delon, Fabio Testi, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sean Connery, Kim Basinger, Mel Gibson, Harrison Ford, among others, participated in shooting in Almeria.
Many have taken advantage of shooting landscapes or Tabernas Desert Natural Park Cabo de Gata-Nijar, but also appear in numerous productions around the historic town of Almeria,the Alcazaba and other sites of interest as well as various environments or landmarks of various locations in the province.

Almería can claim to have been the scene for over 500 films, whose titles can include:



Rey de reyes,(1961)



El Cid, (1961)



Laurence de Arabia, (1962)


El viento y el león, (1975)


Indiana Jones y la última cruzada, (1989)



Exodus, (2014)



Now this sector is booming again, and have recently been conducted outstanding achievements, with directors such as Ridley Scott.En Almeria there are ample opportunities for filmmaking, thanks to its qualities, among which we highlight:
- Climate (average temperature 19 ° C)
- Availability of light for many hours a day throughout the year (more than 3000 hours of sunshine per year).
- Variety of environments without large displacement (desert, mountain, coastal, etc.)
- Low costs
As an extra added value, we must also highlight the wide range of services for the sector, with companies and professionals with experience in this type of production, and among which we highlight companies catering, accommodation, transportation, design, construction, image and sound, location scouting and production services, and other services required in a film production.
Another aspect to consider is availability of means of transport, as it has an international airport, and the quality of infrastructure and telecommunications services, which allow Almería is connected to the world, facilitating access and communication that any production needs.
There is no doubt that this sector has great potential in Almería and filmmakers have all the facilities for their work, since from all levels and institutions of the province all possible resources for the proper development is made ​​available to these their work. Not forgetting that the actors and production teams that have gone through Almería stress that have enjoyed a great stay, thanks to the qualities of this land, its climate, scenery, cuisine and its people, among others.

For more information about film sector in Almeria you can visit this website: